Friday, June 6, 2008

Space Geezer

This guy is an alien humanoid 86 year old scavenger guy from outer space. He does things and stuff and junk whilst in space.


Jason Barnes said...

awesome! as usual. i envy you're modeling skills, no doubt.

keep it ill

Yusuke Sato said...

i wanna be just like him when i'm 86.

wimpCheese said...

awesomeness Andrew!

Mirella said...

wow!! this work is amazing!!!!!!! you're great^^

Heather Berry said...

This freaking rocks!!! The texturing on your super old space man is the best part. Me likes the rust!

EL GRANDE said...

Way to go Andrew. Super imaginative. How is your break so far?


simple_minded said...

Nice Work! I really like the stack bug! I like seeing what you and your classmates are up to at AI, I'm about to check back in myself, maybe I'll see you around!

Keep up the nice work!

Unknown said...

Interesting use of 3D softwares!
Good blog, I'll come back soon!