Modeling is basically finished, just playing with some rendering options and stuff like that. I will unwrap and texture a few pieces, but most of it will be just shaders. Tiki head soon!!
What Should You Know about Lentils?
2 years ago
Modeling is basically finished, just playing with some rendering options and stuff like that. I will unwrap and texture a few pieces, but most of it will be just shaders. Tiki head soon!!
Posted by
11:24 AM
Hey man, popped over to see what you're up to. Hot stuff man, you've been showing some great improvement since I graduated. And staying super busy, I like to see that. I'm trying to get back into that myself.
This bird is looking way cool. Are you going to rig it so that its fully functional?
Your design is very cool..
It's shape is very attractive~
HAHAHA:) Thanks Andrew. These 3-D works are sick man. You're really getting incredible at this stuff.
wow, coooooooooooool !!!!
gotta rig this thing. or at least pose it. that'd be so tight.
nice design.
very cool!!!!
looks awesome :) good job
Very cool design! I love it Andrew!!
That bird looks way cool i mean perfect for a theme park just add skin and feathers and you have it
Now just ad some skin and feathers and it,ll look reak enough to foll a stympahalian bird looking for a mate
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